We Were Liars

We Were Liars Book Review.
E Lockhart aka Emily Jenkins is an author I’ve heard some great things about. So when I heard that We Were Liars is a gripping read, I was looking forward to seeing what the fuss was about.
So what is the book about?
Cadence is the eldest granddaughter of the Sinclair family. Every summer, the Sinclairs go to their private island, where the grandparents have built four houses for themselves and their three daughters. Cadence, Johnny, Mirren and Gat make up the Liars. Every summer, the four of them hang out day in, day out. When Cadence is 15, she falls in love with Gat. By the end of that summer, she has an accident but she can’t remember what happened, or most of that summer. After several tests and hospital stays, Cadence is still clueless as to what happened to her and why she still suffers from serious pains in her head. Two summers later, she finally returns to the island. Not knowing what happened to her makes her very irritated and begins quizzing everyone on the island, including Johnny, Mirren and Gat. Throughout the novel, we see that Cadence doesn’t follow the typical traits of her aristocratic family – she doesn’t speak elegantly. You get the strong sense of a lost girl when reading her voice. As the story goes on, she slowly begins to remember that summer, the summer everything changed.
I’ll stop there. The ending of the book was not what I was expecting AT ALL. It completely shocked me. So much so that I cried because of the shock. The way it was written was very clever and extremely gripping.
What do I rate it?
It’s been awhile since I’ve read a book that was that good. It will captivate you and you will want to know what that secret is that happened that summer.
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