Another PCOS & Endo Operation

Last weekend, for the June Bank Holiday weekend, I was supposed to be flying to Lisbon to explore the gorgeous city and celebrate my friend Melodie’s birthday. Instead, I ended up having an emergency operation for my PCOS & Endo. Just my luck, eh?
You might have seen that I shared a photo on my social media platforms last Friday stating that I had to have an operation once again for my PCOS & Endometriosis.
For the last 3 to 4 weeks, I had been suffering with this immense pain on my right side/ovary and lower pelvic area. I was feeling sick, which resulted in me losing my appetite. I was weak and sometimes the pain was so strong, I’d almost pass out. I knew something was wrong. This was different than the constant pain I’m in with these conditions.
On Wednesday 22nd of May, Mam decided to bring me to A&E as I wasn’t improving. After several hours waiting to just get my bloods taken, 15 minutes after they were done, I was rushed through to the Gynae department of the hospital. I saw two gynaecologists who done an internal probe scan. Both of them told me they could see I had Endometriosis and that there was a lot of it. They then went on to tell me they could see no cyst and that the pain was clearly just my Endometriosis bleeding and as I am aware there is no cure and they can do nothing for me. They gave me strong pain relief and sent me home. I cried the whole way home.
One week later and I was still not better. In fact, I got worse. I was hardly able to do anything. One second I’m sweating, the next I’m frozen. I was constantly curled up in bed in the foetus position. I was eating noting. I think I lost most of my weight in the beginning of that week. On the Wednesday, I was going to see The Vamps in concert in Dublin and was getting ready to get the train back to Dublin when I took a turn for the worse. I was beginning to lose power in my legs because I was so weak. I told my Mam the pain was getting worse and I felt like I was going to collapse. She had enough of it and rang my Gynecologist’s secretary in Kilkenny and she informed Mam to get me down ASAP.
As soon as I saw my gynaecologist, he knew something was wrong. He could see it in my face. He done an ultrasound and immediately saw a massive cyst on my right ovary; one that was the size of a small tennis ball – one that couldn’t grow that big in one week. He could see that the Endometriosis was attaching to it and bleeding.
I needed an emergency operation and quick. Friday morning first thing.
You always know how serious things are when your doctor is worried and my gynecologist was extremely worried.
At this point, I was in so much immense pain, I actually didn’t mind missing Lisbon. Ok, I was sad but I was so much happier that something could be done for this pain. For the first time in my life, I was looking forward to an operation!!!
The operation went well thank god and I am at home recovering. That is now 6 operations in less than 3 years.
Recovery is always tough for me.The first week, I am so dependant on my Mam to help me do absolutely everything. She has to help me out of bed to go to the bathroom, wash me, wash my hair, help me walk, help me change – everything. Although, I am doing pretty good this time. I can already get out of bed on my own since Tuesday which is great. I’m slowly getting there. It takes 4-6 weeks to heal from this operation, sometimes longer. I just have to be patient and listen to my body. In terms of pain, it is nowhere near as bad as pre op (THANK GOD AGAIN!!) but it is still bad at times. I am sore too, which is expected. My appetite has come back but it is still not great. I got so excited on Saturday morning as I slept for more than 4 hours and that is RARE for me. However, sleeping since has been difficult. In the last 2 days, I have been feeling very light headed and dizzy, which isn’t good and we think I might have an infection but we will see how I am over the next few days.

My lovely swollen post op stomach with three incision wounds (and a pain patch!)
Sadly, my Body Dysmorphia always gets worse after my laparoscopy and this time is no different. I have 3 incisions as you can see from the above picture. My belly button didn’t really exist before this operation but I certainly don’t have anything that resembles a belly button now. It’s just lines and lots of scars. I’m swollen and will be for a while, so no crop tops or bralets for a few months. I am trying my best not to think horrible comments about my stomach after everything it has been through.
What’s next?
Well, my Gynecologist has informed me that I will be getting injections every 3 months to stop me ovulating in the hopes I don’t get any more cysts and need any more laparoscopies for the foreseeable future. Sadly, there is no cure currently for PCOS or Endometriosis, just methods of maintaining pain. So this will be a never ending cycle for me.
In terms of my life, I start my new job on Monday – lol no rest for me!!