First year in college is almost over.. SAY WHAT?

It’s hard to believe that in a few days, my first year in college will be over! It took me two years to get to college and now time is flying by so quickly! The saying ‘Time flies when you are having fun‘ certainly is fitting as I have had a hell of a lot of fun with my crazy new friends.
I had a one fear back in September, and that was that I wouldn’t make any new friends. I’m quite a unique individual and so I thought people would judge me and run a mile. I remember my first day on Orientation and I was so nervous about being around strangers in an environment I didn’t know at all. But my nerves went when my housemate Sarah done a simply little thing for me and I knew right then that she was going to be one of my best friends. Slowly, week after week, I began to make more friends and god I can’t imagine life with out any of them now! Summer is fast approaching, meaning that instead of seeing these guys everyday, I’ll probably only see them once or twice. That makes me sad. My mum once told me that the friends you make in college, are the friends you’ll have for life. Yeah she said one or two from Secondary School stick around but the rest turn into people you once knew and now barely say hello when they see you. Even though Sarah thinks I’m popular, I wouldn’t go that far. I guess I’m just an openly friendly person and I’m blessed that I made such good friends so quickly!
Since September, I have had an unbelievable time, I’d go as far as saying the time of my life. So many amazing memories with incredible people.
The first few weeks of college were made so easy thanks to 5 amazing people, my housemates. I was told before I went to college that the people you live with make or break your college experience. And thank god I was blessed with THE best housemates a girl could have.
Several people told me the same thing before I started college and that was : ‘Take it all one day at a time and enjoy the journey because before you know it, it will be over, and you’ll be left with just the memories and photos‘ and it’s true! The last 9 months flew by and I just wish time went by slower, so I could enjoy all those memories for even longer.
I’m going to stop before I start crying because I’m sad that the best year of my life is almost over.
So to cheer me up, below are some picture with some of my favourite people from the last 9 months.
Bring on second year, lets hope it’s just as fun as first year!