Memories Jar

Back in 2011/2012  when I was sick, I stumbled across a really cute Tumblr post about this idea of having a good memories jar of the year. My biggest fear is that I will forget important moments, big or small. This solves the problem! I write down the little moments that makes me smile and the incredible big moments I know I’ll never forget but want them in the jar! Then on New Years Eve (or the next day when you are dying from a hangover!), take out all the memories throughout the year and remember all the wonderful memories the year has brought you!

Some of my good memories from 2014

Some of my good memories from 2014

I started this in 2013 and when I put last year’s and this year’s jars beside each other and 2014 was filled at least 50% more! This is because I made sure that I done things that were on my bucket list and made sure I made the best of every opportunity that came my way!

My 2013 and 2014 jars!

My 2013 and 2014 jars!

It is such a simple thing to do, grab a jar, make it look pretty, cut up paper that will fit inside and have a pen near by and you are ready to fill your jar with your awesome memories!

Bring on 2015!