My guide to Longitude 2015

If you are lucky enough to be going to Longitude this week, whether it’s for a day or all three days, here is my guide to who to see and what you should/shouldn’t bring!
Hozier – Who doesn’t love Hozier? He is one of the main acts for this year’s Longitude! Last year, he opened the festival at 2pm (we might of missed most of his set because Sarah needed to pee, but we got to see him sing Take Me To Church!) One year later, he is headlining the festival. You won’t forgive yourself if you miss him, he is fastly becoming the world’s most sought after singer.
Years & Years – If these guys aren’t already on your list, I AM VERY DISAPPOINTED IN YOU! I wrote about these guys in my Ones To Watch for 2015 and god, they are owning 2015! If their tunes like King and Desire aren’t enough reason to see them, Olly Alexander, the lead singer is HOT. Please, for me, DO NOT MISS THESE GUYS!!
Alt-J – Alt-J was also at last year’s Longitude! The tent was crowded for them, and the crowd went crazy for them when they started their set! I am sure it will be the same this year!
Tove Lo – Name doesn’t ring a bell? It didn’t with me either. Until I googled her and figured out I knew her already! She sings Talkin’ Bodies and Stay High (Funny fact: I was convinced she was singing Say Hi for about 4 months!)
- Your Ticket and please mind it at all times, don’t leave it behind you in the shop you stop in on the way to Marley Park. It just leads to disappointment and embarrassment.
- Cash – avoid depending on a card machine because either the queue is too long or the machine has run out of money!
- Most websites say bring a camera – if you are like me and can handle drink and be responsible, work away! But if not, avoid bringing too many valuables. You’ll have snapchat on your phone anyway;)
- PORTABLE CHARGERS (& USB)!! It amazes me how majority of people still don’t have them! I have 5 and bring them everywhere! There is nothing worse than being separated from friends and either your phone is dead or theirs!
- It is to be around 18-19 degrees all weekend in Dublin but with some rain. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t wear suncream! You can still burn when temperatures are that high and it’s cloudy! Trust me!
- Rain jacket – It’s Ireland!
- Wellies – again, it’s Ireland. I wore them last year and it was roasting on the Saturday but had rained on the Friday and I didn’t want to ruin my converse!
- Girls, go crazy with festival style! Flower crowns, kimonos, feathers, anything that screams festival style!! But please, wear shorts that cover your ass. I just want you to look good!
- ARRIVE EARLY TO AVOID MISSING THE FIRST ACT (if you want to see them) – The queues are crazy at 2pm!! Gates open at 1:30pm each day.
- Aerosols – Buy airport sized aerosols and beauty products. Much easier to carry around also!
- Tissues – They are great for everything from when a friend is getting sick to when you need to pee to when your hay fever kicks in! Pack loads.
- To go with my last point above: avoid bringing anything that is going to hold you up in the queue, you are just wasting fun time with your friends and missing good music!
- Ladies, it’s not race day so please avoid big hats. The are pointless at a festival.
- Do not bring umbrellas, they are not allowed! God, they were allowed when I used to go to Oxegen!
- No alcohol or food (what harm will food do?) is allowed to be brought in. You have to buy it all on site.
- No folding chairs!! You have to sit on the ground like everyone else!!
- Excessive amounts of cigarettes, you are only allowed enough for you.
- Reflective jackets, you aren’t working!
- Fireworks, Flares or Chinese Lanterns, they are pointless at a festival anyway!
That’s it. Have a good time, look after yourself and friends, be careful and most importantly, enjoy the music.
I am not jealous of anyone going.. Nope.. I am just going to stay in my bed and cry!
Oh and one last thing, MIND YOUR DRINKS. Cover your drink at all time!