My IMAGE BOB Awards 2018 Outfit

On Sunday April 15th, I attended the IMAGE BOB Awards 2018 with LanaiBLO and what a night it was!
I’m currently doing an Internship with LanaiBLO and that is how I got to attend. So to everyone who assumed I was Blogger Unveiled, I apologise. I was glued to their snaps too, trying to figure out who the real life Gossip Girl is and I even appeared in one of the snaps from House at the After Party. Still have no clue, they are good, verrrrry good!!
Anyway, this event was glamourous from the minute we walked into the Clayton! It was so surreal to be at the same event that the majority of people I follow on Instagram were at. The style was out of this world. To be honest, I don’t think there was one bad outfit, and if there was, I didn’t see it!
We got a fabulous goodie bag too!! It contained products like So Sue Me’s perfume, Coco Brown’s Limited Edition Festival Tan, makeup palettes, makeup brushes, chocolate, popcorn, skincare products and so so so much more! One of my favourite things had to be the big bag of popcorn 😉
There was some amount of fabulous prizes to be won on the night and the only one I had interest in was the 2 Taylor Swift tickets up for grabs! I was telling everyone all night that I would do whatever the hosts wanted me to.
I ended up on stage with two other girls singing my heart out to Taylor Swift’s Shake It Off… I still can’t believe I done that! I didn’t win but I thoroughly enjoyed my brief moment on the stage!
After the awards ceremony, the After Party was in House. The People of the Year Awards were on that night too and ended up in House as well. I was surrounded by celebs, I didn’t know what to do!!
And then because going home at 3am is far too early, we all headed to Lillies to continue the night! Monday was a bit of a struggle!!
I was told beforehand that the IMAGE BOB Awards are always a wild and fun night, and well, it certainly lived up to that expectation!
I received a lot of compliments on the night and on social media in regards to my dress. I purchased it online from a site called Be Fabulous, however it seems that the exact dress is now sold out as I can’t find it on the site.
I absolutely adored this dress. I felt so confident and comfortable in it, and of course, very glamorous!!
I themed it with my Valentino inspired shoes from Penney’s and kept my jewelry very simple with my Pandora necklace and Swarovski bracelet.
I have been scrutinising the internet for a dress similar but haven’t found one yet. As soon as I do, I’ll add a link!
I have just about recovered from the night now, but I would do anything to do it all over again!!
Until the next time I suppose!
Sarah Jane