VHI Women’s Mini Marathon 2017!

VHI Women’s Mini Marathon 2017 took place on June 5th in Dublin and for the second year in a row, my Mam and I took part.
If you have been following me on social media for the last few months, you may have seen that we took part in promoting the event in the Evening Herald in the 14 weeks leading up to the Mini Marathon.
Due to working on promoting the Walkers section, Mam and I were invited to the Pre Race Reception in Merrion Square at 12pm before the race. We were spoilt with gorgeous refreshments, which included a lot of blueberries and raspberries to my delighted! There was entertainment also to get us in the jolly mood before we headed down to the start line!
The Mini Marathon started at 2pm on the dot. This year, there was 35,000 women taking part and with that big of a crowd, it was 10 minutes before we actually crossed the start line!
The weather held up until we hit the 6km mark and then it began to rain. That didn’t dampen the spirits of anyone in the crowd though. It almost worked as motivation to walk that little bit faster so you could get to a warm and dry place!
Mam and I were aiming that if we could do it under two hours, that would be great! We did just that. We crossed the line around 1 hour and 47 minutes together and our poor bodies were delighted! Mam and I have been struggling with some health problems of late and felt that those problems might just slow us down a bit but nope, we didn’t let them!
However, I didn’t escape the day without injury! At around the 7km mark, I got a bit excited and pulled my hamstring. I persevered through the pain though as I knew if I stopped, I wouldn’t make it across the finish line. It wasn’t until about an hour or two after the race that the full force of the pain hit and my poor Mam had to practically carry me back to the car! JUST MY LUCK!
We treated ourselves to a gorgeous TGI Friday’s after the marathon and then headed for home.
As you can imagine, I have spent most of today in bed with my leg elevated and wondering how the hell am I going to get around Germany at the weekend?!
Make sure you check out my Vlog from yesterday below!!
Sarah Jane xo
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6E97btBb0yg[/embedyt]